Valley Township Boards


Valley Township is looking for any interested residents, ages 18 and older, male or female, and registered to vote, who would be willing to serve in the following positions:

* Board of Appeals

* Board of Review

Board of Appeals is a three member Board. This Board must hear and decide on appeals which deviate from the Township's Zoning ordinance. Its authority can include site plan review, appeal of planned unit development and special land use decisions. It may also grant variances.

Board of Review meets in March each year to hear taxpayer appeals. A taxpayer may appeal his or her assessed value and/or taxable value. No person can appeal his or her assessment to the tax tribunal unless he or she has first appeared before the board of review.

At the July and December meetings of the board of review, the board may address qualified errors involving property dimensions, size corrections, taxable status.

If you have any interest in any of these committees or have further questions regarding them, do not hesitate to contact Supervisor Ron Remington at 673-5962. If you would like to also submit a letter letting us know of your interest, we will contact you when an opening arises.

Please click on the individual or department below for the contact information.

Administrative Board:

Appointed Boards:






Last Update: December 17, 2024 10:24 AM - ©Valley Township, Allegan County, Michigan, USA