The Township office will be closed on Monday, September 2, 2024 for the Labor Day holiday

Voting Information

Link to Voter Information

(including sample ballot, check of you're registered, new rules and regulations).

Who is allowed to vote in Michigan?


2024 Summer tax can be paid in person at the township office Monday through Thursday during regular business hours. Cash, check or money orders only. You can also mail your tax payments or pay online.


View Your taxes due or paid (link to Allegan County site)


Click here to pay your current taxes online

Please note: There will be a 3% processing fee added for online payments.

Notice: Valley Township Building Permits will now be issued through Michigan Township Services.

Link to Printable Permit

Contact Information: Brian MacCartny, MichiganTownship Services, 111 Grand Street, Allegan, MI 49010
Phone: 269-673-3239
Fax: 269-673-9583
Cell: 269-207-0567
Email: valleypermits@gmail.com

Electrical/Plumbing & Mechanical Permits
Link to permit applications

The Importance of Getting a Permit (building, mechanical, electrical, plumbing)

Allegan County Resource Recovery Program has THREE tire collection events scheduled for Allegan County residents for August 2024. Anyone in the county may participate at any of these events. These events will be on a first come first serve basis until the semi-trailer is full. Residents are limited to 10 passenger tires per household and 4 agricultural/semi tires per household. Tires on rims WILL BE accepted.

Saturday August 3, 2024 9am – 12pm @ Salem Township Transfer Station, 4145 29th St Dorr, MI
Saturday August 10, 2024 9am – 12pm @ Allegan County Human Services Building, 3255 122nd Ave Allegan, MI
Tuesday August 27, 2024 9am – 12pm @ City of Otsego Department of Public Works, 243 N Farmer St Otsego, MI

Waste Services for the Township

Republic Services is currently the "one-hauler" trash service for our township. By using one company, servicing one day a week, this cuts down on road damage and maintenance for the township.
Website: republicservices.com
Phone: 877-698-7274

Recycling is here

If you haven't ordered your recycling cart yet, please call 269-686-4559. This is single stream recycling. Basically, you rinse your recyclables, let them dry and place them in the recycle cart. (Any food material will contaminate the contents). No bag and no need to sort the materials. Your recycling cart will be emptied once per month. Click here to download important Recycling Information
Thank you for doing your part to protect the environment.

Household Battery Collection - Sizes AA, AAA, C, D, Button, telephone and other small batteries are now available for drop off at the township office for recycling.

Broadband Internet Update

Allegan County negotiated a public-private partnership with 123NET and is contributing approximately $17.7 million of the Allegan County American Rescue Plan Act funds to the fiber construction project. 123NET submitted a proposal to the ROBIN (Realizing Opportunities with Broadband Infrastructure Networks) in March 2023 for an additional $30 million. The MIHI (Michigan High Speed Internet) Office announced Initial Grant Recipients in June 2023; 123Net's Allegan County project was the 3rd highest scoring out of 154 projects. The MIHI office expects to announce the final grant award winners in early October.


The Allegan County Broadband Project needs YOUR INPUT! Please visit www.allegancounty.org/broadband to look up your address on our Comprehensive Broadband Project map. We need your help to fine tune the map and ensure not a single house is left out. All grant funding for building fiber to the home is limited to addresses that do NOT already have an option for 100M download speed. Please email Jill Dunham at jdunham@allegancounty.org if you have any questions or the information on the Broadband map is inaccurate for your address.

Note: 123NET will own and operate the open access network. Allegan County will have no role in providing internet service.

Here are some simple ways to identify potential phishing attempts:

Grammar and spelling: many phishing attempts originate outside of the U.S., so bad grammar or spelling may be a red flag that you're looking at a fraudulent email.

Emails or phone calls requiring sensitive information: legitimate companies know the risk of fraud, and will never ask you to provide financial, login, or sensitive information over the phone or through email.

Inconsistent email URLs and domains: it is easy to mask an email address to seem similar to a recognized company, but expanding or clicking "reply to" the sender will often show an email URL that does not match the domain of the company they are impersonating in a phishing attempt.

Too good to be true emails: the Nigerian prince trying to give away his riches has become a running joke, but one that hits close to home. If an email seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Suspicious attachments: never open an attachment to an email from any sender that you haven't verified, period.

Calkins Dam Updates


Property Fraud Alert

A FREE service to property owners of Allegan County

Free or Low-Cost Transportation for Allegan County Seniors

Seniors, do you struggle with transportation to get to the pharmacy or medical appointments? There is FREE or low-cost (donation-based) transportation available for seniors (age 60 or older) in Allegan County. Transportation is offered seven days a week, excluding holidays. Requests should be scheduled 72 business hours in advance so driver accommodations can be made. To register and schedule a ride call 269-673-5472 ext. 261.

Foreclosure fact sheet

Burn Permit: 269-686-5222

Links to "How To" Building Videos

A starting point in your project. See what's involved before you begin.

Call 811 before you dig.

Attention Homeowners and Roofers:

STRUCTURAL RE-ROOFING YOUR HOUSE REQUIRES A BUILDING PERMIT. Replacing shingles only does not require a permit.



We've voted for the recycling and, according to Allegan County, much needs to happen first so it will start in early 2024.


Videos to help Protect Michigan's Shorelines

The state Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy has created a series of new videos to promote the Michigan Shoreland Stewards Program to help residents who live along a shoreland (lakes and streams) protect the environment of their home and water quality. Currently, there are five videos available on such topics as shoreline zone, buffer zone, lake zone and others.

Watch Videos



Click here for Brochure

Trouble with your Cable Provider?


This is a link to the DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCESS which allows customers who are unable to resolve their video/cable televison complaints with their provider to file a complaint with the MPSC (Michigan Public Service Commission).

Join our Mailing List 


2023 Meeting Schedule


Notary Services

The Clerk's office provides Notary services to residents free of charge.

Notary FAQs


Last Update: September 9, 2024 11:18 AM - ©Valley Township, Allegan County, Michigan, USA